
Showing posts from February, 2023

How to preach the gospel in 4 steps

Feel free to share, modify, adapt this document however you wish. Self-made soulwinning script, developed for new soulwinners. Soulwinning in 4 steps - How to preach the gospel by Revelation 1611 (with script). - Step 1 – Sin, Step 2 – Hell, Step 3 – The gospel (the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as full payment for our sins), Step 4 – Salvation by faith alone without works – Once saved, always saved (chastisement and rewards)/ asking Jesus for salvation. - Explanations - Step 1 – show the person that we’re all sinners (Romans 3 :23, *Romans 3 :10) – give a list of common sins, such as lying, stealing or coveting (we’re all guilty of those). *To sin is to break or transgress God’s commandments (His law set forth in the Holy Bible). Step 2 – Show that the price (or penalty, or consequence) for sin is hell (the lake of fire, which is the second death) (Romans 6 :23a, Revelation 21:8) – this is not only a physical death, but also a second death in hell) – All liars… shall ha