
Showing posts from April, 2022

How to know that you are saved - sure signs that you have faith

Faith is an invisible substance. It's something that you see for yourself. The only way you can prove you have faith is if you understood the gospel and have decided to call on Jesus in prayer. Believing and confessing the right gospel and the right Jesus (the gospel of faith alone without works and eternal unconditional eternal security and the trinity) is the only thing that matters for salvation – salvation is a one time thing - Romans 10 :10, 13). The reason so many christians doubt their salvation is because of a couple things : 1 - sins which destroys their boldness and their fellowship with the Lord (spiritual immaturity - because walking in the Spirit brings about peace with God in your life and you can see Him answer your prayers, work things out and lead you intro all truth. If you walk in the flesh, you will grieve the Holy Spirit and He will stop revealing truth until you get right again and you won’t be effective in soulwinning. There’s no possible way to lose sal...

Explanations on salvation - the gospel made clear

 - Explanations on the gospel - *The words ''faith'' and ''believe'' mean ''to trust''. The word ''grace'' means ''unmerited favor''. You must depend on Christ and His righteousness alone to get to heaven and not on your own works. There's nothing we can do to earn salvation. It is a free gift bought and paid for by the blood of Christ (In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace). Your sins need to be paid for (atoned, covered, washed away) in order to go to heaven. You cannot pay for your own sins by doing good works and by repenting from sin- that's why redemption (the fact of being redeemed and made righteous before God) is only possible through faith in the blood of Jesus. If you do not believe on Christ for salvation (if you do not accept the payment He made for your sins), you will have to die in your sins (John 8:24) and spend e...

Lessons on prayer - 7 Steps to Spirit filled prayer

7 basic steps to Spirit filled prayer (prayer is faster than cable :) My favorite prayer verse is Ephesians 6:18 - Why ? Because it tells you the three most important things in the prayer life: I. Pray always (in all circumstances) and with all perseverance (or endurance and patience through the struggles). You have to learn to pray mentally as you do your daily tasks and are busy doing other things. God can read your thoughts and answer your mental prayers. Pray as matters come into your mind. II. Pray in the Spirit (be filled with the Spirit, don't quench the Spirit, follow His leading in your prayer life). Be filled with Bible reading and preaching – they will greatly empower you. III. Pray for others (pray for their needs and welfare, and for the gospel to be preached in the whole world everywhere). Don’t be selfish. Spend more time praying for others than for yourself. Here's some short prayer guidelines which will work wonders in your life. Have faith that prayer works. T...

The Bible Way to Heaven in 38 languages Favorite audio's on the Bible Way to Heaven

The meaning of repentance - Resipiscence

The best word that defines repentance in English is:  resipiscence (change of mind or heart: return to a sane, sound, or correct view or position.). I found the word through reading Miles Coverdale's new testament preface - it comes from the latin word '' resipiscere''.  2Timothy 2:25 proves it's only a change of mind (acknowledging the truth) - 2Cor 11:3 talks about ''the simplicity'' that is in Christ so it's very simple and easy to be saved. Acts 16:31 is the only commandment God gave us for salvation (which is only to believe or rely on Christ apart from all else) so people who add any other step other than simply believing (relying) on Christ are false prophets and have a damnable works-based gospel. Repentance from sins is a work of the law (Jonah 3:10 - it's not free grace, it's based on your own faithfulness to keep the law and to please God by your own efforts or works (which doesn't save at all.) (you,re thinking that yo...

A simple Bible way to Heaven presentation

PDF file here - If you were to die today, are you a 100% sure that you’d go to heaven? You can know for sure! First of all, the Bible says that we’re all sinners - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God . So we’re all guilty of lying, stealing or coveting - and the Bible says there’s a punishment for our sins - For the wages of sin is death . This is not only referring to a physical death, but also to a second death in hell. And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death . And we know that we’ve all lied before, and we’ve all done worse things than lying. Therefore we all deserve hell because of our sins. But the good news is that God loves us and He doesn’t want us to go to hell to be punished for our sins. That’s why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the propitiation (or payment) for our sins. Jesus is the Son...