The meaning of repentance - Resipiscence

The best word that defines repentance in English is: resipiscence (change of mind or heart: return to a sane, sound, or correct view or position.). I found the word through reading Miles Coverdale's new testament preface - it comes from the latin word ''resipiscere''. 2Timothy 2:25 proves it's only a change of mind (acknowledging the truth) - 2Cor 11:3 talks about ''the simplicity'' that is in Christ so it's very simple and easy to be saved. Acts 16:31 is the only commandment God gave us for salvation (which is only to believe or rely on Christ apart from all else) so people who add any other step other than simply believing (relying) on Christ are false prophets and have a damnable works-based gospel. Repentance from sins is a work of the law (Jonah 3:10 - it's not free grace, it's based on your own faithfulness to keep the law and to please God by your own efforts or works (which doesn't save at all.) (you,re thinking that you're good enough to go to heaven because you've given up this sin or that sin). It is impossible to turn from sin because sin dwells in your mortal body (the flesh is weak and cannot keep the whole law (romans 8:4), so if you cannot keep the whole law you cannot save yourself - you have to cease from your own efforts and works and completely rest in Christ for salvation and believe the record that God gave you eternal life by simple faith in Christ). The only thing that can save you is to trust the blood of Jesus Christ to wash away all of your sins. All your sins were laid on Christ and He's the savior so you have to trust in Him alone - if you trust in your repentance from sins (or your own goodness), you will be damned because you are ''under the works of the law'' (Ga. 3:10) and you cannot be justified before God by turning from your sins because you cannot keep the whole law (a.k.a stopping sinning). You cannot do a single sin by doing any amount of good because the only acceptable payment for sins is the blood of Christ (He's the only sinless man and the only Savior so He doesn't need your help). It's not partial faith in Christ and a little bit of works (nope, it's only Jesus, and He saves you forever no matter what you've done or will do because His death, burial and resurrection are entirely sufficient to save your soul). Salvation is relying on the facts of the gospel and not living a good life. That is the gospel of God versus the gospel of works. Salvation is based on Christ's righteousness (His sinless life, His death, burial and resurrection) and nothing of yourself.


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