The simple gospel - How to receive eternal life (tract)
How to receive eternal life – Step 1 - Admit that you’re a sinner. First of all, the Bible says that we’re all sinners - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. We’ve all lied, stolen, or coveted something – and the Bible says there’s a consequence for our sins - For the wages of sin is death… And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (And we know that we’ve all lied before - and we’ve all done worse things than lying - therefore we all deserve hell because of our sins). Step 2 - Believe the gospel. But the good news is that God loves us and He doesn’t want us to go to hell to be punished for our sins. That’s why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the propitiation (or payment) for our sins. Jesus is the Son of God (and He’s also God manifest in the flesh). Jesus bore our sins in His own body on the cross, and He was buried, and He rose again from the dead in order to pay for all of our sins an...