Tract ministry - Gospel tracts WORK!

 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. - John 20:31 KJV

Everybody ought to print their own tracts and to give them in public places (parks, bus stops, billboards, grocery shelves, every legal place). People who say tracts don't work are wrong because if you include a baptist website with the Bible way to Heaven videos many people will find the real gospel - also if you are a shy person, or you're disabled, you don't need direct confrontation - also tracts can go unnoticed and can be found by all sorts of people that you wouldn't be able to reach in real life situations (preaching the gospel verbally is best, but if you've got too many problems (such as run-ins with the law), then it's best to do just that - it's God's plan B to reach souls (plan A is to witness verbally and to be thorough as possible, because there's more chance that the person will understand the gospel and be saved). Here's a sample gospel tract which you can print in a 8 slots word document. You can also listen to the following sermon to get an idea of what you can do with tracts 

One powerful verse alone can make a lasting impression upon people. How much more a complete gospel tract or message... The scripture is the seed by which we are saved (1Peter 1:23, James 1:18), and that's only possible when the gospel becomes clear to us (being explained by a saved person or a complete gospel message (audio, video or text). So if you have a tract that covers the main points of salvation and has a prayer at the end, that's best.

For tract training and encouragement, listen to the following sermons:



Salvation — 1 - We’re all sinners — For all have 
sinned, and come short of the glory of God. 2. 
We all deserve hell because of our sins (for 
lying, stealing, coveting, etc.)- For the wages of 
sin is death. 3. Christ died and rose again in 
order to save us from hell- For Christ also hath 
once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, 
that he might bring us to God. 4. Trust Christ 
alone as Savior (Ask Him to save you)- That if 
thou shalt confess (ask) with thy mouth the Lord 
Jesus, and shalt believe (trust) in thine heart that 
God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt 
be saved. — 


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