Why repentance from sins is a lie

Repentance from sins doesn't save (Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works (i.e. human efforts and works, such as turning from sin, keeping the commandments, serving God etc.)- Only believing (trusting on Christ) saves.

The phrase ''turn from sin'' isn't even found in the Bible (the requirement to turn from sin is a corruption of the gospel of free grace). We also do not have to make Jesus the Lord of our lives, because He is God almighty - He is already Lord whether we believe on Him or not (we must only receive Him as Savior to be saved).

As believers we can choose to live after the flesh and do zero works for God after getting saved, and we will still be saved (although we will have no rewards in heaven and we will be chastised by God heavily on this earth (1Cor. 3:15) because Jesus' death and resurrection paid for all our sins (past, present and future), so if we believe that He died and rose again for us personally, then He gives us eternal life as a gift and requires nothing in return on our part. (Salvation is truly free without any conditions other than believing on Him as our Savior because Jesus paid the full price for our salvation). The equivalent word for biblical repentance is ''resipiscence'' and means a ''change of mind'' and ‘’a return to a sane, sound, or correct view or position'', in this case from turning from unbelief to simply believe and depend on Christ alone for salvation. This change of mind doesn't include changing your life or to stop sinning, it's only implying that you admit that you are a lost sinner before God, that you cannot save yourself by your own works, and in turn, you're simply depending upon Jesus' death, burial and resurrection to save you and to get you to heaven - apart from all else. It’s that simple, but the devil wants this definition removed and hid from as many people as possible (he wants to add works and human efforts to the gospel of grace). Salvation is easy and free, but for some people it’s a hard pill to swallow because of sinful pride that wants to boast of works! As for our sins- When we sin, God will punish us for our wrongdoings upon this earth (chastisement- Heb. 12:6-7), but no amount of sin can affect our salvation as long as we've truly believed on Christ (John 10:28-30, Romans 4:5-6, 1John 5:10-13). We have the imputed righteousness (or perfection) of Christ, we are seen by God as righteous as Jesus is (we are justified - just as if I’d never sinned (Acts 13:39).

Salvation is not based on how we live our lives - it is based only upon whether we accept Christ's payment for our sins by faith or not. It's only trusting Christ that saves us, not serving Him. God will reward us for the good that we do after we get saved, but technically someone can do zero works for God and remain carnal after being saved (a.k.a. being a perpetual babe in Christ - although that's not good, and it will lead to a miserable life and loss of rewards both here and in heaven (read all of 1Corinthians 3 ‘’babes in Christ’’ - and Galatians 6:7-8), but nothing we do can affect our salvation because it's eternal, it's a gift and it's only through Jesus. It’s nothing of ourselves (Eph. 2:8-9). This is true salvation. Growth in grace is not an automatic process, although it is God’s plan for the believer’s life. You must always keep salvation (being saved from hell) and service (i.e., the christian life) separate, otherwise it would make salvation a reward to be earned, and not a free gift to receive.

5 reasons why repentance from sins is wrong

1. You cannot erase past sins - No amount of good works can undo the bad that you’ve done. ‘’All of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags’’ Isaiah 64:6. You cannot pay for a single sin with any amount of effort on your part. Once you’ve broken the law, you’re done - you’re a criminal. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away your sins forever.

2. You cannot keep the whole law. ‘’For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all’’. - James 2:10, ‘’If we (christians) say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.’’ (1John 1:8) - ‘’For what the law could not do (it could not justify us), in that it was weak through the flesh ‘’i.e.’’ (the flesh is not able to keep the commandments.). ‘’As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one.’’ - Romans 3:10. That’s why Jesus had to be our propitiation or payment for our sins because He is the only perfect man (God in the flesh)- and we are not and we cannot be perfect. We all come short of God’s perfection. No one can keep the law perfectly, we all sin every day ‘’I die daily’’.

3.  It would make salvation a reward, not a gift. And we know that salvation is ‘’Not of works, lest any man should boast.’’ - Eph. 2:9. If we could earn salvation by repenting from our sins, it would nullify the work of Christ on the cross. Christ wouldn’t have had to die for us and to rise again as a payment for our sins. You cannot mix works (human efforts) and grace (Christ’s payment for our sins) in God’s plan of salvation. It’s one or the other ‘’And if by grace, then is it no more of works’’ (Romans 11:6).  Repentance from sin is a work of the law. Jonah 3:10 is the verse that kills this doctrine - And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. In the same verse, you’re told it’s a work, and then that God also repented - which proves that salvation is a change of mind (2Timothy 2:25) not a change of life (i.e. turning from sin, or keeping the law, etc.).

4. If you failed to repent, you would lose your salvation. Also you wouldn’t be able to tell if you are definitely saved or not. You would be like ‘’Now I’m saved’’ and ‘’now I’m not’’ - it’s the same old catholic lie of ‘’dying in a state of grace’’. Whereas the Bible says that salvation is ‘’not of yourselves’’. You cannot earn salvation, neither can you lose it. It’s a permanent gift.

5. The word repent from sins isn’t even found anywhere in the Bible. If salvation were by turning from our sins, wouldn’t the Bible make it clear? The gospel of John uses the word ‘’believe’’ 89 times, and the word repent is not even mentioned once. That’s because salvation is all about believing, not turning away from sin. If repentance from sin were a big deal, I’m sure there would have been put a lot more stress on it by the Apostles, like, ‘’Oh guys, better keep the commandments or you might fall from grace’’. But it is not so!


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