A complete guide on soulwinning (with script)

A Complete Guide on Soulwinning

1. Preparation

Before going to preach the gospel, we must always take time to pray so that God guides us, opens people’s hearts, and protects us, etc. Prayer is therefore very important.

If you have youtube cards or gospel tracts, you can hand them out to people when you go soulwinning. This is an excellent way to start a conversation about the gospel.


Soulwinning can be done on the streets by approaching people in a friendly manner (especially one-on-one), or in any given place, or by going door to door (door-knocking). It is always best to go with a soulwinning partner, so that one person does all the talking while the other prays silently for the conversion of people.

Always keep in mind that only the Word of God has the power to save souls (through the conviction of the Holy Spirit in people’s hearts while they hear the verses being preached).


The Bible tells us in Acts 4:29: "And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word.’’ and in verse 31:" And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. "

We see in this passage that the power which God gave to the apostles to preach His Word was so great that the place shook! (The same awesome spiritual power is available to us today through the KJV Bible and the Holy Spirit living inside us.)


Romans 10:17: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

It is the Word of God that saves us, and lost people need someone who is saved to explain the gospel to them. The verse clearly says: "faith cometh by hearing", which implies that someone has to explain the gospel message to them using clear verses on salvation from the Bible.


In conclusion, it is impossible to get someone saved without using Bible verses and without clear explanations on the verses from someone who already believes and understands the gospel. Also note, we ought to show compassion to the lost so that the person we reach feels our love and sees our desire to get them saved.


Be careful to only use the King James Bible (KJV) in the English language. It is the inspired and preserved Word of God in English and the only translation which is a 100% faithful to the originals (The Textus Receptus in Greek (Beza’s 1598) and the Masoretic Text in Hebrew (Bomberg’s 1525)). Modern translations of the Bible are tainted with corruption and cannot save anyone (being corruptible seed – 1Peter 1:23).


2. Starting the conversation (especially with a stranger)

Introduce yourself with a smile – Tell them that you (and your partner) are Christians (Baptists or simply ‘’Bible-believers’’ and not Jehovah's Witnesses or some cult). Ask the person if they are a Christian.Tell them something like: Life is short, and we will all die one day. The Bible says that there’s only one of two places we can go after we die: Heaven and Hell. If you were to die today, are you a 100% sure that you would go to heaven?

If the person says they are sure they would go to heaven, ask them:

"What do you think a person must do in order to be saved (or, How do you know)?" (The person ought to say that salvation is only by grace through faith in Christ, and that eternal life is a free gift). Otherwise, show them the bible verses in the plan below. After

you’re done reading and explaining the gospel to them, you can ask specific questions to see if they believe the right things about salvation (Ask the questions in point number 5 below).


If they aren’t a 100% sure, or have no clue:

Ask them the same question as in the previous point to find out what they believe they must do in order to be saved. (Remember what the person’s answer is, this will help you to question them further at the end of the presentation.)

Then say, "May I show you from the Bible how you can be a 100% sure?"

If they say they have time and are interested, start reading the plan.

If they say they have little or no time, tell them: No problem.

Can I give you a short summary of the gospel? (Show them verses with quick explanations). Summarize the 4 parts of the gospel to them. (See point 4 of this document).

If the person has no time or isn’t interested, leave them with one verse (John 3:36, Acts 16 :31, or Romans 10:9) and / or a YouTube card.


Note that sometimes, even if a person says they are not interested or do not have a lot of time, they will be interested to listen to the whole gospel after you have given one or more verses. Some people are very shy, so youtube cards are a great option to start the conversation.


3. An example list of Bible verses to present the gospel (Highlight them in your Bible)

Romans 3:23 (Sin – Everybody is a sinner)

Romans 6:23 (The penalty for sin - Beginning of the verse: "For the wages of sin is death;") Revelation 21: 8 (Hell (the lake of fire) - Everyone has lied – All liars go to hell).

Romans 5: 8 (Christ died for our sins – He suffered the punishment for our sins)

*(Matthew 1:21) and (1 John 5: 7) - *optional – explanations on the trinity

*1 John 2: 2 and 1 Peter 2:24 – optional - gospel

*Romans 8:34 – optional - gospel

Acts 16: (30)-31 (Believing is the only requirement for salvation) Ephesians 2: 8-9 (Salvation is by faith alone without works)

Romans 6:23 (God’s gift (Second half of the verse: "… the gift of God is eternal life…") John 3: 15-16 (Whoever believes in Christ will be saved)

*Titus 1: 2 – optional  eternal life

*John 1:12  optional – eternal life

*John 10: 27-29 - optional - eternal security

Romans 10: 9-10 (Faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. – the gospel) Romans 10:13 (Calling upon the name of the Lord/Asking Jesus for salvation).

The same verses (or similar ones) should be mentioned in every gospel presentation, especially in a precise order. It is very important to follow a logical order in your presentation. Such as by grouping verses on sin (1), hell (2), condemnation (3), the love of God (4), the gospel (5), salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ (6), salvation is a free gift and can never be lost (7). Of course, this is an example list, you can use other verses that you like for your presentation. It is also necessary sometimes to adapt the verses to match the person’s interest or understanding. You can use the optional verses if the person needs more explanations on a certain point. You can also discard them if they are in a hurry.


A great tip is to put a list of soulwinning verses in your Bible or on a sticky note that you can look at while doing soulwinning in order to guide you from verse-to-verse. You can also mark the next verses in your Bible’s margin. For example, next to Romans 6:23 in

your Bible, write down Revelation 21: 8. - so you know which verse to turn to next. It speeds the whole process and helps you find out the next verse to read.

Of course, the best thing is to know the order of the verses from memory. It requires lots of repetition but it will come naturally with experience.


4. Grouping the verses in different points

1. We are all sinners and condemned to hell

Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Revelation 21: 8

These verses show that we are all sinners and condemned to hell. There are no good people and no one can be saved by their works. We all have told a lie (Romans 3:4) and done something wrong so we all deserve to go to hell to be punished for our sins. God is righteous and must judge our sins. Of course, God also loves us, so he doesn't want us to go to hell- he wants to save us from our sins and their consequence (which is to be cast into hell forever).


2. God loves us, and offers us redemption through His Son Jesus Christ

Romans 5: 8, *(Matthew 1:21 and 1 John 5: 7, 1 John 2: 2, Romans 8:34 - *optional verses). Through these verses we show that God loves sinners. We also explain who Jesus is: the Son of God (who was born of the virgin Mary) – and God manifest in the flesh. It is also possible to explain the Trinity (1John 5:7). Jesus is the Son of God and he is also God. The trinity consists of 3 persons and make up one God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost). Take additional time to explain this point with a person who does not know who Jesus Christ is.

Then we show that Jesus died for us and that he bore all of our sins on the cross. He has never sinned and he died on the cross to pay for all of our sins so that we could be

forgiven. Then he was buried, and he rose from the dead on the third day. He rose again bodily and was seen by many of his disciples. He also showed the holes in his hands to Thomas and he proved He was alive and well. He then ascended to heaven.

When presenting the gospel, always focus on the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as the payment (propitiation) for our sins, because it is the basis of the gospel. (1Corinthians 15 :1-4).


3. Salvation is by faith alone- without works

Acts 16: 30-31, Ephesians 2: 8-9

Through these verses, we explain how we can be saved and forgiven of our sins. They show that only those who trust Christ as Savior will receive eternal life and go to heaven.

Emphasize that salvation is by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ (by receiving the gospel as the payment for our sins and by putting all of our faith and trust in Him alone as Savior by asking Him to save us). Our own works cannot save us, only Jesus can. We must put all of our Faith (trust) in Christ alone. Explain very clearly that salvation is by faith alone and not through our own works (such as by turning from our sins, or by baptism, or by changing our lives (turning a new leaf), or by joining a church, etc). Salvation is solely by God’s grace, and not through our own efforts or works of righteousness. Explain the words ‘’faith/believe (to

trust) and ‘’grace’’ (unmerited favor). Also explain that eternal life is a gift (and a gift is always free) and that it can never be taken away for any reason once you have received it.


4. Salvation is eternal and can never be lost

Romans 6:23 (second half), John 3: 15-16, *(Titus 1: 2, John 1:12, John 10: 27-29 *optional) These verses prove that salvation is eternal. God always keeps His promises. Once God saves a believing sinner, he is saved forever. God gives us the gift of eternal life, not temporary life. Eternal life means ‘’life that will last forever’’. Moreover, once we become a child of God, we will always remain saved regardless of what we do. Once a son, always a son.

Give a practical example of this fact. Explain that if we do something wrong (such as a serious sin) after getting saved, God will punish us on this earth, and we will lose

rewards in heaven – but we will never lose our salvation. Also, we will be rewarded if we do good works once we are saved. God will never send us to hell once we become His children. Explain that salvation (the new birth) is a one-time event and is irreversible.

God is faithful. He has promised to keep all believers saved forever and they shall never perish. If a person believes they can lose their salvation – then they are not saved.

It is also important to keep the attention of the listener when presenting the gospel. Ask them relevant questions and give plenty of examples and illustrations on the main points of the gospel. Those methods are helpful to keep people’s attention and to see if they understand salvation.


5. Questions to ask after the gospel presentation is over to verify that the person has clearly understood the gospel (Write these questions in your Bible or on a post-it and carry them with you).

1. Do you believe that you have sinned? (Romans 3:23, 1John 1:8)

2. Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to pay for your sins? (1John. 2:2)

3. According to what I have shown you in the Bible, what do you believe we must do in order to be saved? (Believe (trust) in Christ as Savior – Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9)

4. Do you believe that trusting Christ alone is good enough or do you believe we must also do something else to be saved (such as good works, repenting from our sins, being baptized, etc.)

? (Believing/faith alone is enough. Works cannot save us. Romans 4:5, Ephesians 2:8-9).

5. Do you believe there’s anything you can do to lose your salvation? (No- Eternal life is a free gift that will never be taken away once we receive it – John 10:27-28).


Answers to the questions are in the parentheses (accept answers that are similar). Show the person that they can never lose their salvation once they have believed, not even through a grievous sin.


Asking questions is essential! If you don't ask questions, you won't know if the person understands the gospel. Also, you won't know if the person truly believes it or if they need additional verses or further explanations on a specific part of the gospel


If the person answered correctly to every question, go to the next step. If the person gave a wrong answer to one of the questions, show them additional verses (or verses in the parentheses) to make them change their mind. If the person does not accept the facts after you have shown them several other verses, stop preaching to them immediately and leave. (You do not want to waste your time arguing with conceited persons – there’s plenty of other people to reach). Explain thoroughly the points which the person does not understand if they give a wrong answer. Show additional verses as needed.


Note that it may take more time and more explanations for some people before they finally get saved – you will have to be patient sometimes. Do not hesitate to stop the conversation if the person is not interested to hear the gospel (if they do not pay attention to or reject the gospel).


6. Calling on the name of the Lord (asking Jesus for salvation)

(Note it down in your bible or on a post-it to carry it when soulwinning)

Before praying, it is good to review the person’s first answer about what they believed they had to do to be saved (in the first place - before the presentation started), in order to

check if the person has really changed their mind. This step will show whether the person has truly repented or not. For example, remind the person about what they believed at first and ask them if they have now changed their mind. This will allow you to see if they have well understood the message. Then move on to prayer. This point is VERY IMPORTANT: it is the turning point of the presentation of the gospel. Encourage the person to call on the name of the Lord for salvation. You can quote Romans 10 :9-10 for this step. Explain to the

person that confessing (asking) with their mouth and believing in their heart will result in salvation. Tell them that the goal of this prayer is for them to tell Jesus that they believe on him by placing their whole trust in him for salvation. Be careful to mention that praying without believing won’t save them and is pointless.


Salvation is freely offered and is guaranteed to those who believe in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Start reciting the following prayer with the person (make them repeat each line after you).

Dear Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner,

I know I deserve to go to hell,

But I believe that you died on the cross…

-Were buried, and rose again to pay for all of my sins,

Please save me right now and give me eternal life.

I’m trusting you alone for salvation, and not my own works.

-Thanks for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


End of soulwinning

Tell the person that if they sincerely believed on Christ by calling on Him for salvation, they now have eternal life. Read them 1 John 5:13 or Romans 5: 1 and ask them the questions: If you were to die right now, where would you go? (Answer: Heaven) - And where can you no longer go? (Answer: Hell). Rejoice with the person if they called on the name of the Lord and answered correctly to all of the questions. Tell them that if they believed on Christ, they are saved forever and that, according to the word of God, they are going to heaven when they die. They now have eternal life. Then briefly cover the core points of the Christian life: Bible reading, Baptism, going to a good church, doing works for God, etc. Works are not for salvation of course, but they are simply a means to gain heavenly rewards and to get people saved. Revelation 1: 3 is a great verse to cover Bible reading and memorization (as well as Joshua 1:8-9 and Psalm 1). Give them a youtube card or a church invite.

Here's a sample soulwinning script you can use to do your own soulwinning.

Hi, I’m a baptist–I have a question-If you were to die today, are you a 100% sure that you’d go to heaven? (If sure: What do you believe it takes to get there?) The bible says there’s one thing we must do to be saved

 it’s by faith alone without works (trusting Christ  Act 16 :31). Would you like to know for sure?

First of all, the Bible says that we’re all sinners - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. So we’re all guilty of lying, stealing, coveting, etc. And the Bible says there’s a punishment for our sin (For the wages of sin is death). So the wages (or penalty) we earn for our sin is death. Not just a physical death but also a second death in hell– And all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. So we’re all guilty, right? (We all deserve hell as a punishment for our sins).

But there’s good news - the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (You know who Jesus is, right?) The Bible says He is the Son of God (God manifest in the flesh)- (He’s the second person of the trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)). Christ died for our sins, and He was buried, and he rose again the third day in order to pay for all of our sins and to save us from hell. When Jesus died for your sins and mine, it’s just as if He had done them  He was being punished in our place **1Peter 2 :24.

The Bible says that salvation is a gift. ‘’For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast’’. So who pays for a gift? The giver or the receiver? Person – The giver. ((Do we have to do anything to earn a gift? Person – No)). That’s right – the giver pays for it a 100%. Since salvation is free, we don’t have to give anything in return (it is not of works, not of our own doing). Grace means ‘’something we do not deserve’’ (we deserve hell, not salvation). Faith means ‘’what we are trusting to get saved’’.

The one thing the Bible says we must do to be saved is : ‘’Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved’’. To believe means to trust  it doesn’t mean to only believe that Jesus exists, but to actually trust Him to save us personally. To believe on Him means that we put all of our faith and trust in His death,

burial and resurrection as the full payment for our sins (which guarantees us eternal life). It doesn’t say that you have to repent of all of your sins, or be baptized, or join a church, or keep the commandments, or be a good person- it only says believe. And once you believe on Christ, you will be saved forever. God disciplines His children for their sins on this earth, but they can never lose salvation.

So the one thing you must do to receive the gift of eternal life is to call on Jesus by faith - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Before we go into that, I have a few questions for you – 1. Do you believe that we’re all sinners? (Yes- Rom. 3:23, 1Jn. 1:8), 2, Do you believe that we all deserve hell for our sins (Yes – Rev. 21 :8, Rm. 3 :4, Rom 1 :18) 3. Do you believe that Jesus died and rose again to pay for all of your sins and to save you from hell? (Yes- 1Jn. 2:2), 4. What do you believe a person must do in order to be saved? (Believe/rely on

Christ- Act 16:31), 5. Is believing (relying) on Jesus good enough or do you also have to be a good person, keep the commandments, repent from sin, and do good works ? (No – Rom. 4:5, 11:6), 6. Is there anything you can do to lose eternal life? (No  because it’s a gift - Jn. 10:28). - If you’re sincere, I would like to lead you in a prayer in order to ask Jesus to save you. Pray sincerely: ‘’Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and that I deserve to go to hell. But I believe that you died on the cross, were buried and rose again to pay for all of my sins. Please save me right now and give me eternal life. I’m trusting you alone for my salvation – apart from my works. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.’’ - So, if you have decided to call on the name of the Lord and asked Him to save you, you are now saved forever – and no matter what you do afterwards, you can never lose salvation – because it is not of works. Salvation is a one time event (you got saved the moment you called on Him in prayer). ‘’He that believeth on the Son hath

everlasting life’’(John 3:36) Now you know you have it according to the Bible. References – Romans 3:23, (6:23a), Revelation 21:8, Rom. 6:23b, 1Corinthians 15:3-4 (Romans 5 :8), 1Peter 2 :24, Ephesians 2:8-9,

Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, 10:13 (Extra : John 3 :36, Rev. 3 :19). Please share and translate this document in your language. Godbless. Thepreaching.com, VerityBaptist.com, Wordproject.org.

Here’s a perfect example of this soulwinning method in video format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTYN57c-niA

(Also look on youtube for ‘’the Bible way to Heaven’’ by Pastor Anderson and others). Alternate link (in case YouTube blocks the videos): https://archive.org/details/biblewaytoheavenvideo/ A written article on soulwinning- http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Believer%27s%20Corner/how_to_win_a_soul.htm – Credits to Jesus-is-Savior.com, wordproject.org and Thepreaching.com. Originally written in French by Pierre Paul from EnChristEstLaVie.com (Youtube channel in French:) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCu0Lco3qf2MIUSL7JPo8g

Please share and translate this document in your language - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. (Proverbs 11:30). Blessings in Christ!


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