The mark of the Beast (or, the marking of humanity) - by Serge Monast (The Beast's number revealed)

 The mark of the beast or The marking of humanity - Revelations by Serge Monast.

This document is in the public domain. Feel free to share - credits to, and Foreword- Revelation 13:18 mentions the ‘’number of the beast’’. Notice how the ending verse of chapter 13 is ‘’18’’ and mentions the 666. The number 18 is also three times six (hence, 6-6-6). According to this book, ‘’666’’ refers to an-18 digits social security number composed of 3 series of 6 digits each that will be used inside a technology allowing persons to buy or sell on a worldwide scale. Remember, Revelation 13 is about commerce and world government. According to the author of this book (Mr. Monast), such a technology will be implemented after the end of a third world war, and after nations lose and surrender their sovereignty and submit themselves to a globalist, communistic U.N. dictatorship – (nations and economies being weakened through wars and fabricated social and economic crises). The marking technology will continue to evolve and reach a point where it will have the power to fully control the individual who receives it. The technology will advance and become more sophisticated, but the numerical patterns will most likely remain the same (the end number being 18 digits long) – that is an hypothesis that has yet to be confirmed. The current social security number in America is nine digits long, but in the coming years it will be doubled - there will be an 18 digits social security number issued worldwide. Advanced nanotechnology will soon be able to nullify the free will of man and turn him into an electronic slave of the Beast system (hence mind control technology and the doctrine of transhumanism). The one World government and the end-times religion of the Antichrist (New Age, humanism, religious pluralism, etc.) is emerging. Welcome to Babylon USA (or, the USSR of America!).

 (One of the last documents presented by the author before his assassination) On December 15, 1993, in Montreal, Serge Monast, of the International Free Press Agency, whose activities were solely focused on international investigative journalism in economic, political, military and medical fields, revealed information so staggering that it cost him his life. Nine years afterwards, his information has been validated. It is true that he was informed by repentant politicians and displeased secret service agents; he also received ultra-confidential classified documents, often anonymously or transmitted by colleagues located in the four corners of the world. From the same author • It's fifteen seconds to midnight in Ottawa: the impossible Canadian duality at the outbreak of a Civil War, journalistic investigative file, Edmonton, The North American Free Press, 1992. • “Presentation” by René Bergeron, The Mystical Body of the Antichrist, Montreal, North American Free Press, "Dossiers shocks", 1993 (Original ed., Montreal, Editions Fides, 1941) • The World Government of the Antichrist, international investigative journalism, "The Worldwide Illuminati Conspiracy", vol. 1, Magog, Editions of the Free press, [1994] and Cahier d'Ouranos special edition, coll. "Surveys-Studies- Reflections” of the Ouranos Study Commission, [1994]; reed. Chateauneuf, Editions Delacroix, [nd]. • The United Nations concentration camps program in America, “Coup d'Etat and war preparations in America”, book 1, Magog, North American Free Press, [1994] (marked: “Must comprise 4 vols.”) • Vaccines, experimental military medicine and liquid crystals, investigation file journalism — CIA, Magog, North American Free Press, [1994]. • Project Blue Beam (NASA), Magog, North American Free Press [1994]. • The Toronto Protocol (6.6.6.). Quebec year zero, International free press agency "Intelligence report", March 1995, in Murmures d'Irem, no 7. • Total control 666, Cahier d'Ouranos hors serie, coll. “Surveys-StudiesReflections” of the Ouranos Study Commission; reed. Chateauneuf, Editions Delacroix, [nd]. • Unveiling of the plot relating to the marking of Humanity, Châteauneuf, Editions Delacroix, [nd] . • The United Nations Plot against Christianity, Editions Rinf, 1995. — 4 — Serge Monast (born in 1945 — died in Montreal on December 5, 1996), French-Canadian investigative journalist, poet, essayist and conspiracy author. Disciple of essayist René Bergeron and also of former naval commander William Guy Carr, Monast was also close to the defenders of social credit. In the early 1990s, he devoted himself to writing conspiracy books on the theme of the New World Order and conspiracies plotted by secret societies, in particular by the Illuminati. He founded the International Free Press Agency (AFA) where he published most of his "findings”. During this period, he stood out in Quebec during an interview with the esotericist and ufologist Richard Glenn within the framework of his program "Experimental Esotericism’’. This interview reveals a man obsessed with the idea of a World Government about which he warns his listeners and incites them to distrust the political platforms. In 1995, he published a document called the "Toronto Protocols", a book modeled after the Protocols of the Elders of Zion where he reveals the secret activity of a Masonic group, the "666", gathering the elite of this world every 20 years for the establishment of the New World Order and the mind control of individuals. Claiming to be hunted down by the higher police authorities for having been involved in "networks of forbidden information", Monast died of a heart attack on December 5, 1996. Monast's theses circulate a lot clandestinely on the Internet thanks Lenculus books, collectioneers of rare and unobtainable documents; for the simple and good reason that they are censored. They influenced in particular the American fundamentalist Protestant pastor Texe March. Some of his investigations have been republished by the French publisher Jacques Delacroix (Châteauneuf, Éditions Delacroix), himself a disciple of Monast. ‘’And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’’ –John 8:32 Introduction For several years there have been serious projects aimed at marking individuals by laser, on the forehead or on the wrist. But today the string pullers of the New World Order have gone further: they are able to fulfill their dream of complete control of the human cattle or ‘’goyim’’. How so? By injecting an electronic chip implant into every person. We’re almost there! This will be the subject of the first part of this document. Next, we shall see why our schools have produced a youth which is, for the greater part, rotten, flawed, faithless, immoral, brutish, and lifeless, having the only goal of serving the System according to an anti-Christian and humanistic morality. We will thus examine the police and military forms constituted by World Government officials. The executives are chosen among the geniuses produced by the godless schools - youth trained according to a certain ideology (namely, humanism). This hellish World Government is about to crown the son of perdition — the Antichrist. He has a dire need for an omnipresent multinational task force. He cannot build himself up from national elements alone! The Concept of electronic money before the marking of humanity. A preliminary condition - the establishment of a one world currency. For thirty years, the leaders of the American and world banks began to consider another monetary exchange than that of the cheque. The first vice-president of the FED declared in 1975: “It is absolutely necessary to develop a new electronic exchange system lest the banking system of the United States States crumbles under an avalanche of cheques”. We then set in motion an electronic transfer of funds at the international level, the SWIFT — Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, — established in Brussels in January 1975. 246 banks are provided with a private system of communications for the transmission of payments and other related messages within International banking transactions. An American businesswoman published two well-documented books in 1981 and 1983 on the monetary system, the 6-6-6 being developed. She wrote: “When the current monetary system will be replaced with the Beast system (or 6-6-6)... Brussels, the main district of the European economy, is the place where the main linking center is located for the purposes of the SWIFT international network. This center has the ambition to extend this transfer of funds at the international level, for all peoples and all countries. This center of monetary control occupies three floors of the thirteen-story building in the General District of the EEC. This building is where Mr. Elderman is making hasty efforts to assign every person in the world an 18 digits number consisting of three sets of six digits each. » This article indicates that computer scientists were working on a plan that was intended to assign a number to every individual on earth. They suggested that a cipher number could be inscribed by laser tattoos on the forehead or on the back of the hand. According to them, this “international mark” could put an end to all cash. No individual would be able to buy or sell without having such a mark... The capacities of the SWIFT network computers centralized in Brussels are such that insiders called it "The Beast". This gigantic computer system within Brussels has been around since the late 80s. Thanks to credit cards, it has been easy to put almost all the populations of the industrial and commercial nations in the records of the banks. We are linked to this electronic system by one or more ID component, which includes our social security numbers, our driver's licenses, our birth certificates, our passports, etc. Every monetary transaction we make and every penny we pay to the tax department is recorded. The capacity of this gigantic Brussels machine was previously established for 2 billion people in 1989. Each individual of the industrialized world is already filed in this computer. There is a record for each monetary transaction made, all address changes made as well as for jobs and income taxes. In this program, all buying and selling must be done by computer. – there will be no physical currency, neither coins nor cheques. Banking and trading companies will all be converted to this system through the electronic funds transfer system, replacing in its wake the great mass of human employees. The initial plan was to establish this gigantic unification and monetary planning through the credit cards system. It was planned since the 80’s that each person would receive a tattooed number on his wrist or on his forehead. This number provided by Brussels would be printed by a laser beam. The number printed on the body would be invisible to the naked eye and would be as durable as digital fingerprints. All commercial items are now provided with a computer mark. The barcode technology has spread out rapidly to almost all consumer goods. This was the first concrete, perceptible consequence of the enslavement plan with the current currency. All this was done without publicity, in total silence. We will come back to that later on. The store's computerized cash register, which records the item number, would also register the number on the person's body, and automatically calculate the total of his purchases and deduct the amount from his special withdrawal rights account. Back then, the marking had to be done with lasers. We had to print the computer code of the banking data with microscopic burnings which were painless, unalterable and very precise. There are already a few examples in the United States: — In the large leisure centers where this proverbial word of Christ is applied to the letter “Let the little children come to me”... At the entrance of Disneyland, parents pay so that their children can go to the playground. Once at the desired place, the child puts his hand in a machine. The machine reads that the child has paid. The machine then lets him into the playground. — In large distribution centers... Customers no longer have to stand in long checkout lanes. No need to put their purchases on the treadmill. To borrow a trolley, the customer inserts his credit card in a special slot, which is incorporated therein. Inside is found a rugged, shockproof laser barcode scanner. Thus, each time the customer places an item in the cart, its price is recorded. The payment takes place automatically by connecting the trolley to the exit cash-lock, which reads the bank card and checks the validity of its code. The client only has to sign the invoice established by the barcode reader. The first supermarket without cashiers was opened in Caen in 1994... Here is what is interesting: to borrow the cart, the consumer will have to put his hand through a special reader — as children already do in Disneyland. The scanner will read the barcode from the laser engraved hand. If the potential customer is duly marked, if his bank account is sufficiently provisioned, or if he is not classified among the economically excluded for religious or political reasons, the cart is released and the customer can enter the store. It’s the same way for the cash registers so that they can establish the identity of the invoice, as well as the account number. The person signs this invoice and it's over. Only the slaves of the Beast will be able to eat and drink... But the globalists were gradually forced to face the facts: the credit card system, for example, was not good enough for the monetary enslavement plan! They had to look for something else. In this well-advanced context, one more step was needed to accomplish the economic and monetary domination of the World Government of the antichrist. Several individuals working alone for the disclosure of the truth about various subjects, unknown to the public, and extremely dangerous, have decided to meet and organize a national and international parallel network of information exchange in order to slow down the destruction of Western values and to expose the conspiracy which is befalling our Christian world. Such exchanges were dangerous, because the verifiable information at the International Free Press Agency demonstrates the prospect of our doom as a nation and the willingness of the enemies of Christ to persecute us for our faith and our rejection of the current antichrist society, and finally of the desire to implement the mark of the Beast for all individuals on the planet as you will see in the following pages. The activities of the International Free Press Agency in Canada are focused solely on international investigative journalism at the economic, political, military and medical levels with the support of documented facts. Their leaders cannot currently be contacted for reasons that everyone guesses. Hence the decision to broadcast what you will come to know. Even the information that will be brought to your attention were obtained with great difficulty by some journalists. Many have risked their jobs, their safety and for some, even their lives. Part I The international identification biochip Since the appearance of codabars in 1977 — approved by the UN in 1972 — there is a lightning-fast acceleration for the plans of the “Synagogue of Satan”. In Revelation 13 :8, 15-18 the KJV Bible reads: "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.» These “EAN” type codabars integrated the number “666” by means of three sets of two bars longer than the others (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end). Each set is read by the laser as a "6". Thus we obtain the number "666" which is superimposed on each barcode. These three identical digits are added to the thirteen functional digits (the choice of this number was voluntary in order to reveal the fulfillment of the book of Revelation (the Apocalypse), precisely chapter 13. The thirteen-digit code is explained as follows: 3 for the country and region of origin, 5 for the producers (factory, workshop, etc.), and 5 for the product (price, date, etc.). Each figure is itself produced by a juxtaposition of 7 white or black modules. As the number of arrangements of 7 modules is much greater than 10, this process allows the simultaneous use of 3 codes called A, B and C. B is identical to A, but upside down. C is obtained by inverting the colors of A. The code A is only used for the first 6 digits of each label, which allows to decipher the code in whatever direction the cashier of the supermarkets presents the packets in front of the optical reading device. In order to avoid "duplicates", all these codes are allocated, in each country by a unique broadcaster that has made secrecy its golden rule: "Gen Code". In 1988, the city of Singapore in Malaysia tested this marking system on a population of ten thousand people. A test was made over three months for the replacement of credit cards by an individual laser-read barcode. The code was engraved half on the wrist and half on the forehead! Ron Steele demonstrated that the technology for marking, recording and monitoring people has existed in the United States with prisoners and even some HIV-positive prostitutes. This is based on information provided to the Agency; it is crucial. Even insider journalists dared not to think that the information which makes up this subject could possibly exist. This is something extremely serious, which, from one day to the next, would not only allow the establishment of a New World Order, but would also grant the control of every individual on the globe. This information concerns the International Biological Identification Microchip. New cutting-edge technology is going to be used and is already being used to achieve absolute control of all populations. The architects of the New World Order have admitted in private meetings that without the advent of computers and high technology, the creation of a World Government would not have been so easily possible. Among these scary new technologies, there is the International Biological Identification Microchip implant. What is that? American colleagues have succeeded in obtaining information thanks to audio documents, photographs and a press kit from publications produced by official and religious newspapers since 1990. This information demonstrates the existence of a plan for the direct electronic control of all people worldwide. Some might think we are dealing with science fiction here, but material with references to these documents and video documents from the companies whose mission is to manufacture this product, leaves no room for debate. According to Terry L. Cook—a Christian investigative journalist on the American West Coast, —in a document referring to Tem (Tim?) Wellord, the technology behind the new Micro Chip is not very complicated. With a little refinement it could be used in a wide variety of human applications. In a conceivable way, a number could be assigned to everyone from birth and be a part of the person until their death. Presumably this electronic chip could be implanted on the back of the hand, and this could serve as a universal identification card, which would replace credit cards, passports, driver's licenses, etc. At the end of 1993, an American company named ‘’Destron Idi Colorado’’, manufactured and advertised these Identification Microchips globally via “Infopet” and other US and international distributors. For now, these chips are used to trace, control and identify domestic as well as farm animals, birds, fish and all manufactured products. This new system is currently spreading lightning-fast over the whole world. Example: the installation of the Micro Chip on large Australian flightless birds - Ostriches, Emuses and Rheas are farmed commercially in the United States. Zoan Parker, an executive at the Penn State Cooperative Extension in Lancaster, states that the breeding of these birds today reflects the same trends as cattle ranching in the 1800s, which also began as a market limited to a few breeders. These early farmers knew that cattle rustlers was a real problem. Rather than branding cattle with hot iron, this stock of live birds is provided with an individual Micro Chip of identification that emits a signal. Zoan Parker says "it's like a social security number”. This Micro Chip is so small that it can be easily inserted into a hypodermic needle! It is a tiny glass tube which contains a passive microprocessor, 2 millimeters in diameter, and whose size measures between 10 and 12 mm. Shortly after the birth of the bird, the Micro Chip is injected into the fatty or muscle tissue of the animal, causes no harm, and is said to be ‘’suitable for the animal,” according to Parker. The bird can then be identified by a portable microchip reader. Parker adds, “Each bird must be micro-chipped to be carried across state borders and insured. You would literally need to tear the bird into pieces to remove the Micro Chip”. In 1995, as most people know, the social insurance number consists of a series of nine digits. According to other information received recently in the Agency, this system will soon be replaced with the help of newer computers, by an international series of eighteen numerical digits, with crystals liquids, known as mesh-block. An international configuration will be able to identify everyone on the globe. This new series of eighteen digits will be divided into three parts, i.e. three sets of six digits each. At the very beginning of 1994, these electronic chip implants, also called transponders have been spread all over the world for the control of the animal industry. In order to identify the animal (a precise number assigned to each, including the name and address of owners), a hand reader sends out a 125 Khz radio signal. The implanted transponder sends back the assigned number through an echo response to the reader (or scanner). The scanner immediately displays the digital number on its crystal liquid screen. A transponder is a radio or radar receiver and transmitter, activated for transmission, by receiving a predetermined signal which may come from a laser reader or another sophisticated equipment: such as a computer or even a satellite transmitter. According to journalist L. Cook (“666 : An Implantable Biochip Technology”) the common name of this chip is: Destron Idi Transponder TX 1400 LX. In his book he tells us that the cost of one of these “grains of rice” is about 4.5 US $. He quotes in his work an article from the "San Diego Union" of November 9, 1991 in which a journalist reveals that the city of Los Angeles voted a credit of $123,000 per year to manufacture "implants" for pets. The aim would be to use this system to reduce the number of lost animals, which are costly for cities’ budgets. In another article, taken from the "Arizona Republic" of July 20, 1989, we learn that a certain Jack Dunlap proposed to implant microchips in young children so that their parents could find them at any time, through the means of police computers! This American journalist specifies: “The technology hidden behind this new “microchip" is not very complicated and, with a little refinement, it could be used in a wide variety of human applications.’’ To this end, in 1995, a new version was in the experimental phase on human beings. Presumably this identification chip had a great potential for becoming the expected electronic marking tool since it could be implanted the forehead or the back of the hand and to bring about an "universal identity card". For example, in stores, it would suffice to pass the wrist over or in a scanner to make a direct debit transaction from a bank account... According to the Ouranos commission - "Experiments have been made in the United States to burn a barcode in the form of an invisible tattoo on the hands of certain people,’’ A new tamper-proof identity card which contains an electronic chip, will allow, once scanned by a reader, to know all the information of the person. It will act as a universal card by the year 2000. It’s already replacing the metro and bus tickets in some cities and foreshadows the new tamper-proof magnetic control system that will be used in a universal manner”. We know that such projects are being tested at this very moment in the "offices of studies” constituted and financed by the Synagogue of Satan (the High International Financers). This may seem unlikely, but today it is now possible to directly control each individual on the planet. All of us are going to be recorded in this system. And according to documents received, it is obvious that those who intend to implement it in a mandatory way for the populations are in the process of building new international parameters and a new economic telemetry, so that all individuals who refuse this electronic implant could neither buy nor sell anything anywhere in the world. To better understand what the Biological Identification Microchip is going to be, we can look for a description from the companies who were commissioned to create it. After mentioning the Destron Idi Colorado, we could also mention the multinational Texas Instrument ‘’Tarovan’’, which is the company of the electronic identification system in the United States, and also Avid, the company which manufactures a "tag", an identity medal which is replaced by an electronic chip and is one of the main companies building identification devices for the veterinary sector in the United States. The description used by these companies is as follows: the Micro Chip identification implant is a device of indiscretion, an abuse of privacy and is inserted with a unit or module — in a small region of the skin using compressed air. In other words, this microchip — no bigger than a grain of rice — must be injected using a compressed air syringe. The inclination of this implantation reel is like a hypodermic needle, having a limited penetration capacity, and it could not operate in any way if the angle or the quantity of skin were not appropriate. This unit emits a digital signal of 85 data bits. This chip produces a digital signal at specific intervals. It's a location signal. The technology of this device is highly sophisticated, classified (it is unpublished technological information), and it is not subject to normal or analog digital transmissions. This device provides vital information, and also serves as a means of geopositioning or retracing; that is, the device can be coded or programmed to provide complete information with an identification number. In addition, it allows the individuals who handle it to locate you just as through a detection service. Thus, by the installation of the Micro Chip under the skin, it is possible to locate any individual thanks to the emission of the signal emitted by the chip, and picked up by satellites. The latter would retransmit the information to a computer screen at the headquarters of the police forces in the service of this World Government (we will see later that these police forces already exist). A geographical map integrated into the computer program would then allow to immediately locate the individual sought and to program an operation to find him. It is precisely for this cause that satellites are launched into space in abundance today. Let us look specifically at the subject of satellites in the light of other information received from the Ouranos Study Commission. There’s an objective called: “A satellite data highway”. There is among the UN globalists and the financers of the New World Order a deliberate attempt to turn the planet into one big ‘’village’’. It is imperative for them that the most remote places in the world are connected to a global infrastructure, thanks to a gigantic network of 840 satellites. This project is proposed by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, and by Craig McCaw, the king of the cell phone industry (all these phones already have a built-in chip that tracks who owns them, hence the frenzied publicity for their distribution). We know that the American Loral Corp and nine other foreign partners, including the powerful French group Alcatel Alstom, have just kicked off a global satellite-based telephony and radio localization system through ‘’Globalstar’’, which is in partnership with Bill Gates. To locate 98% of the world's population, the "Globalstar” system will include 48 satellites in six orbital planes at an altitude of 2390 km. Bill Gates thus foresees a gigantic network of 840 satellites orbiting on 21 different orbits, at an altitude of 700 km, so as to cover 95% of the planet. In addition to the "Globalstar" project, there are several "competitors" including "Irridium", based on 66 satellites, planned for 1988 – a leading project in technological achievement. According to the documents in the possession of certain Canadian and American journalists which were supplied to the International Free Press Agency, the Micro Chip has already been experimented with and implanted in bodies of babies, soldiers, government workers and personnel working at the White House in high security sectors. It is also reported that it was authorized during the Gulf War and was shown publicly on the well-known "Twani and Twani" show in the United States in August 1991. Let us note among the devilish projects that of implanting new born babies with an "electronic chip" to make the individual a robot subject to the power of the computer to which it will be connected. “Bonum Certanem” by Father Mouraux reveals that "the unfortunate’’ will be controlled day and night as an electronic slave. ‘’Under the order of his masters, this electronically controlled slave will be able to commit all the crimes that will be imposed on him". It therefore appears that at the present time, with a technology of this caliber, we will arrive to an absolute and complete control of every individual in the world, which would allow the establishment of a New World Government under the aegis of the United Nations. But there is worse... We now know that there is work underway for the replacement of the Micro Chip by a Bio Chip in the coming decades - a chip manufactured and derived from living proteins. Right now, the project is already in the experimental stage. This chip will be infinitely smaller than the Micro Chip: it will have the capacity to contain a great deal of information. It will have the potential to act on the memory and thoughts of an individual. Hence the specter of mind control. Is it possible today to act on human beings without their knowledge by manipulating states of consciousness? One can easily answer this question by referring to the states of high suggestibility on the conscious which allows the action of hypnosis on the unconscious mind. For example, television has become an effective tool for this kind of manipulation (through the subliminal). Moreover, the CIA which is currently working on the setting up of its own "TV channel" will have the ability to transmit from powerful airborne transmitters orders to interrupt any programming in any country at any given time. Here we have the material fulfillment of the following biblical verse: the Beast will have the power to “make the image speak” (Revelation, 13:15). For insiders who fund research on such monstrous projects, such a chip also has other benefitsEverything will be included in it. This human identification electronic chip would make global centralization possible by a central computer. Hence the possibility of never losing track of any particular individual and also to replace the current monetary system. Money would then no longer be necessary: no more cheques, credit cards, nor cash. Every transaction and interaction would pass through this implanted electronic chip. It would be a fantastic way to reduce the expenses of the State and the banks, and also to neutralize once and for all the markets of the mafia, the black market, the drug market, and all forms of illegal cash transfers. At the 1992 Bilderberg Group annual conference, in Evian, France (a little after the Los Angeles riots) Henry Kissinger said: "Today, Americans would be outraged to see UN troops entering the streets of Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, these same people will come back to us thanking us on their knees for such an act’’. It would be especially true for people if they hear statements like : "There is an incredible external threat coming and we must pass laws to protect you from this danger’’ – ‘’whether this threat is real or not, we will be able to pass any laws we want, and people will accept those laws for the sake of their own safety. ’’ Similarly, other American politicians have thought that from the point where there would be an unprecedented economic crash, or a terrible made-up economic crisis that would destroy the economy, the best replacement system for the current cash system and the best pretext for preventing further chaos would be to use the electronic identification chip. According to them, this chip would pass all forms of transactions, national and international exchanges between individuals. Recent confidential information, verified by a former CIA officer, revealed different types of data that the transponder could provide if this electronic chip was implanted under the skin: the name and photo of the person, and the International Social Security Number consisting of three sets of 6 digits each — for an eighteen-digit international number, as well as fingerprint data, the physical description of the person, their address, their family history (genealogy), as well as information relating to the work and income of the person, their tax and criminal record information. This technology, already used in some parts of the world, reveals a desire to exercise dictatorship over all individuals. There is already a perspective of totalitarianism – the future World Government is in its build up through the current World Order. There is further information in a special report on the new technology for satellite monitoring. The sophistication and refinement of satellites is such that it makes it possible to locate underground imperfections, even to see glasses under the grass. Using cell towers and satellites, the pets or individuals endowed of a Micro Chip can be located by satellite at least ten feet from where they are. Through computers and with the help of a scanning system, the New World Order police forces will be able to trace any individual all over the world. We guess that a Fundamentalist Christian on the sole ground of his Christian faith, constitutes an attack on the antichrist ideals of the New World Order: he will be "classified" as a dangerous ‘’terrorist’’ by the UN. This individual will have no way to hide himself anywhere. This is why the Holy Scriptures warn us to refuse this marking system. Through additional information, we know that the servicemen of the New World Order can follow a billion domestic animals to whom we injected the chip. Who do you think they will follow next? All of us, of course! At the end of 1993, there were twenty four "Navstar" satellites capable of locating any object with the width of a centimeter within a radius of one kilometer. This information can be found in the Forbes magazine of October 1991. But the document develops only a fragment of all that they are able to do to date with the help of secret technology, financed by investments from multinationals and central banks. (Here you understand the purpose of Jean Conrad's "Conspiracy Against Man".) Among the files compiled from leaks or private revelations, we know that the increased control of humanity is achieved through: laser surveillance, new driver's licenses, the new health insurance card in the United States and Canada, the new electronic espionage by telephone, the cordless telephone, call records, secret microphones, answering machines and voicemail, electronic systems for garage doors, telephone surveys, computer diskettes and drives, postal services, video cameras, tax records, school records, medical and social service records. By means of an economic crisis they will manufacture a social crisis which will push people to turn towards social assistance and the welfare state. It is a legal means which also seeks to collect complete information on all individuals. But that's not all. Let's quote the technological control of the brain remotely, through electromagnetic fields, video terminals and video games, microwaves, disinformation of the military on civilians, control by low-intensity microwaves and biological complications as well as new electromagnetic weapons. Information was obtained from the World Energy Bank. David Rockefeller and others established, during a September 13, 1987 meeting, the geographic division of Canada for the benefit of the New World Order with a geographical map on the world plan. There are also technological plans for the collapse of the world economy and the annihilation of individual savings; new paper money with invisible magnetic bars, the disappearance of the middle-class and new international telematics for the control of the world’s economies. Moreover, we have just finalized in December 1993 the agreements which will lead to a similar control. We could also talk about the new electronic monitoring on highways and new cars which contain electronic tracking devices, without the buyers being aware of them. Yes, a military system is slowly being put in place and makes identification possible for every vehicle and individual through the central files held by police headquarters where the computer rests. Detection systems are so accurate they can even tell who was driving such a car at a specific time, in such a place. At the end of 1993, there were implementations on certain highways in California. We have therefore at the present time one of the most sophisticated detection systems that will allow an unprecedented monitoring of all those who will have received this new technological implant, but also a capacity to distinguish among the populations those who have refused it. With this new international Biological Identification Micro Chip, it will be possible to impose a New World Order within which all those who will not have received, or will have refused this identity mark, will have no right to either buy or sell anything, with no possibility to go to work, nor to receive a rent, nor to buy or sell an house, nor to live as a tenant etc. Who will agree to exchange goods in such a regime of fear where all other means will be banned? That is why it was decided to publish such information openly. Because the plan is so advanced that to remain silent is to be guilty like the politicians who themselves are aware of such plans. Don't forget that these men’s policies depend on the profits of the multinationals, which finance the programs of research and investments that resulted in the creation of this deadly technology! Why don't they say anything against this? Because they no longer have a Christian mindset and "believe" that this system is for the greater good of the peoples. A translation Microchip has also been developed. It is an electronic chip which will allow instantaneous and simultaneous translation from one language to any other language in at least sixty-one other languages and dialects which can be broadcast anywhere on the globe at the same time through satellites. So a world dictator will be able to manage and address all of humanity at the same time through this new technology at the service of the New World Order. For those who remember the Old Book (the King James Bible), you will find correspondences with Babel! The antichrist Babel (or Babylon) of the New World Order intends to compensate for the loss of the first Babel. There is also another system of population control: laser surveillance. A new electronic eavesdropping laser has been verified and developed as a special tool for surveillance-prone departments such as: The CIA, the FBI and the IRS in the United States. These new devices can monitor and record any conversation over twenty miles away by using a screen as an output (like a TV screen). At the biological level, DNA is used as memory for computers and memory implants. This becomes bio-technology. But the source of this new bio-technology — according to current developments, comes from the tissue of aborted babies. These tissues and memory proteins are the main system components for artificial intelligence (AI) in today's computer market. Here is what is reported by the Winache World of July 26, 1991: “The government is currently funding experiments on babies, either dead or alive. Babies aborted in the third trimester, aged between six and nine months, usually survive the abortion process. This is all the more important because the tissues used for experiments must come from living babies. Here are some of the means used during these experiments. We can find this in an article by Doctor Bernard Nathasen, published in an edition of the New York Garden from November 1991: “In Sweden a procedure was followed whereby a pregnant woman is put under general anesthesia. The located baby is brought to the uterus in order to allow the doctor to pierce the skull of the living baby and aspirate from it the brain tissues to serve the Parkinson's disease search for a cure. This same procedure is performed on living babies for their pancreas, their skin to be used for so-called severe burn victims. These babies are skinned alive. The industry of baby tissue research is a global industry generating revenues of around eight billion dollars. » We also know that since mid-1993, the Sansun clinic in Santa Barbara, California, is about to import large amounts of fetal tissue from the skin of aborted babies from Russia where women abort in large numbers at the stage of seven to nine months! These fetuses are prevalent in the human tissue market... Experts assure us that these tissues are also used to treat diabetes. We will look at how the architects and builders of the New World Order are going to establish a New World Government and ensure direct control and supervision of all populations by means of the implantation of the international biological identification Micro Chip. These architects are the people at the head of all International Finance. They are they going to crash the economy to achieve the chaos necessary to create a new humanist order, leading the nations to accept, either willingly or by force, a Global Government by the United Nations. American journalists from the ‘’Journal of Monetary Economics’’ revealed in an issue of March 1993 a document entitled: "One World Government by Consent or Conquest”. *** The author is a man named Norman Frence, a former business specialist at the Colorado Office of Economic Development, and also the author of a financial planning manual. He is also a former loan officer and chief operations officer in an investment company, and a notable expert in the field of finances and investments. Mr. Frence reports that "the pressures for a World Government have accumulated for centuries, but we had never yet reached the degree in which we find them today. UN terms such as ‘’rule of law, world laws, collective security, world order, and new world order’’ are codes that the International Establishment uses in reference to their plan for a single world government. “As early as 1945, before the US Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee, JP Warburg, an initiate and supporter of the world government, established: "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The question is whether the world government will be attained by reason or by force.’’ “There are those who offered a step-by-step approach. Henry Morgan, elder secretary-treasurer of the CFR spoke on behalf of most insiders, saying, "We can hardly expect the nation-states to become superfluous on their own. Rather, the goal we should aim for is the acceptance in the minds of all the representatives, that they are only the keepers of an international machine on the road to bankruptcy that should slowly be transformed into a new machine. » (Please verify quote) This was reported in March 1993. In March 1994, the International Financers finished setting in motion the economic machine which will enable all countries to establish a new economic order. They gave a warning a year in advance to the two financial powers that could get in their way - the United States and Japan - using the threat of an earthquake. Mr. Frence continues: "The main goal is to put the current international structure under financial bankruptcy”. In other words, after having indebted the United States beyond measure, they want to create a gigantic, manufactured economic crisis which would force the nation states to render the payment of interest over their domestic debts to the International Financers, and to make drastic cuts in their social programs in order to affect the populations directly. This will force (and has begun in 1994) the United States to turn to the International Monetary Fund of the UN and the World Bank, which will impose the following condition: the borrowing countries must relinquish their sovereignty step by step in order to hide this scenario from the people and voters! (Those are the only reasons for Masstricht, Gatt, free trade, and the agreements of Schengen, etc.). We will then force these countries to depend on the UN for their survival and therefore submit them to the dictated UN directives. What is surprising is that this strategy was put forward by the first secret society bent on world conquest: the Illuminati. Indeed, this program taken from a financial journal joins the fourth article of the code of the Illuminati: "... so that the masses do not have time to think and realize, their minds must be redirected towards industry and commerce. Thus all nations will be drawn away together by the quest for gain, and they will not see their real enemy through this pursuit". Here we have an explanation of the stock market boom from the 1980s to February 1994. It's a well-known political strategy: absorbing someone's attention on a specific point while we are preparing something else. Because of this unbridled quest for profit in industry and commerce, the people are unaware that the States are in a state of bankruptcy inside a financial system that is about to collapse. The common enemy is the central global banking system, the IMF, which holds all the loans, thus carrying out what is envisaged by the Illuminati a few hundred years ago. The sixth article of the code of the Illuminati reads: "We, the financial elite, will soon establish immense monopolies, reservoirs of colossal wealth — stocks, securities, mutual funds, annuities — on which even greater fortunes— those of the masses—will depend upon, at such a point that they will fall to the bottom with the credits of the States the day following the political collapse”. So, in the wake of a major economic crisis, which will not affect the institutions as was the case in the thirties, all the fortunes made by the masses will be evaporated overnight. In this mechanism sought after by the architects of the UN — the biggest bankers in the world, — the main goal is that the nations and populations within these nations find themselves bankrupt overnight, having lost any and all financial value. This is how it will be possible to impose a new system. To access this new international system, people will have to accept the implantation of an international identification biological microchip on a national level, otherwise they will not be able to buy or sell at the national level as well as at the international level. It must be clearly understood that the objective is not to ruin companies, but to ruin states and populations! Planned economic collapse was used many times on a smaller scale to take over a country. But now the grand finale is in the preparations. Thanks to certain countries which have suffered this therapy of chaos, the elite know what will be the future reactions of Western populations and Americans. Today, aided by current technology and computers, they are capable of fabricating the plot of a great economic crisis from scratch, without affecting the financial institutions and the large corporations like the multinationals. We will try to convince the people believe that they have collapsed in order to precipitate the debacle. As countries' economies are slowly collapsing due to fabricated debts and interest, the elected representatives of these countries will be unable to solve the problem on their own. The plot will be carried out in such a way that elected politicians know— before the implosion — that they themselves will be perceived as being responsible for their state’s failure. The elect will lose their power through their inability to solve this insoluble problem without also having to reject the whole current system and will be forced to turn to the UN, having failed to be deposed by the people. The UN will manage their assimilation according to the guidelines developed by the World Government Initiates. All this will be finished in March 1995... The elect will multiply and increase the frequency of crises by increasing social cuts. Global crises and violence will follow on an international scale. The Nationally elected officials will have to accept the opening of their borders to immigration for greater labor mobility. This will be the culmination of the consequences of the free trade agreement at all levels: the disappearance of national borders! The goal being of course to increase the inner tensions between the different ethnicities and religions, so that countries come to lose control of their security. A recent example unveiled by the UN was in Yugoslavia. This scenario is also the plan for other countries. Eventually people will turn to the UN. They will beg the UN to act on an international level. Moreover, everything has been done in recent years to get people to believe that the UN interventions saved nations from entering into terrible wars themselves. Creating fabricated conflicts and wars by increasing social tensions has also made people subservient to this kind of measures and has caused blindness towards the real intentions of the UN's string pullers. This is part of a dialectical strategy developed by philosophers in the eighteenth century. There is also another approach aimed at destroying the internal security of Christianized States. Indeed, while States are weakened economically, socially and ethnically, the strategically created conflicts in different regions of the globe enabled the UN to send international forces composed of soldiers belonging to the targeted countries according to this plan. The plan is also carried out in parallel with the multiplication of conflicts requiring the dispatch of international troops. You will notice that the social situation is falling apart in France as our elite troops are sent to Somalia, Rwanda, and Yugoslavia... Evoking Somalia. It should be noted that we are now in a dangerous situation thanks to the complicity of the international bodies, such as the WHO. Since the Gulf War, conflicts have erupted one after another, requiring the presence of constantly renewed troops, while the plan follows its course and the Western countries are being emptied of their military forces... This is why I used the expression "Spark" in my first book. It should also be noted that the American forces are now scattered all over the world and are a part of the new global police force under UN control. The outline of this transfer of American and European military forces can be found in the "Freedom from War" program which demonstrates exactly what is happening. The United States program for a complete and general disarmament in a peaceful world established by President Kennedy — Dept. Publication 72/77, which was to be carried out in three phases - proposes in the second phase: "The United Nations peacekeeping forces will be established and gradually reinforced with the help of American military equipment”. This phase two is precisely where we were in 1994. That is to say, without anyone realizing it, the major part of the military forces and US military installations, are slowly coming under the control of the United Nations at the international level — such as military bases, — and no longer serve for the benefits and purpose of a single nation - the United States. Rest assured that controlled progressive military disarmament will continue to the point where no state—including the United States—will possess the military force to oppose and challenge the progressively reinforced authority of the United Nations. At the present, it is a fact that the military forces placed under UN control — even the United States as a nation — will no longer have a military force strong enough to oppose the UN forces. The result is that every country will suffer and execute UN commands out of fear. The planned dispersal of American forces to the four corners of the world and the defense budget cuts have made the plan nearly accomplished. At the same time, as the fall of the economy is planned worldwide, we’re setting up a new national police force across America and a new international military police force for the rest of the globe. Part II New Age Police In such a scenario, it is evident that the police forces will be powerless to resolve the violence caused by massive immigration and social crises. They will call upon a military force for the reasons that follow. We will have to appeal to multinational troops under the aegis of the United Nations, in order to establish peace and security in nations sunk in a civil war. All the nations are currently moving towards an internal break-up. It is precisely in the perspective of a global social unrest that President Clinton, under the orders of "unknown" superiors, has developed a 100,000-man police force with which to tackle crime: the North American Police Force. This force is in the process of being set up at lightning speed. The intervention of this police force in the operation at the Branch Davidian cult of Waco was an experiment conducted as an exercise. The targeting of this religious sect was done out of random, with the aim of coercing more religious groups to accept a new world order and a new spiritual leader! The real purpose of this failed raid was to allow the Establishment to present this police force as something good. The real objective was to present this police force as an effective agency and to make it acceptable for public safety. In reality, this new national police force in the United States is a consolidation of the CIA, FBI, DEA and other law enforcement and government agencies. According to a US Army Secret Service officer whom we will call Mark, these forces are now called “the MJTF police”. It's actually a UN multi-jurisdictional special task force. According to Mark and a full report provided to the International Free Press Agency, their mission is to carry out searches and seizures house by house, to separate and sort out men, women and children from their homes in large numbers and to transfer them to detention centers; and to oversee the operations of such establishments. There is in this same vein of information a report which touches on the program for the establishment of concentration camps in the United States. These camps have nothing to do with those of the Second World War. A volume of fifty pages exists at the Free Press Agency with the geographical locations of the camps in question, and are fully set to receive the enemies of the future world order. Under President Reagan, eleven centers of federal detentions had already begun to be set up in Florida, Virginia, Georgia, New York, Arkansas, Arizona and California. Mark also explained how the MJTF works in conjunction with the FENC (Federal Emergency National Center) which is the new police force of the UN. One of the peculiarities of the members of the FENC is that their uniforms are black with no outward identifying marks. Their Jeeps, helicopters, and military trucks are black. The FENC is made up of military and secret police, the number of which amounts to three hundred thousand in the United States. Their uniform is the classic black combat dress. They wear black bulletproof armor and a special black helmet. A follow-up of the events of the Waco siege made it possible to notice that the MJTF forces were supported and eventually replaced by the forces of the FENC. In November 1990, President Bush signed an executive order transferring a third of the vehicles of the strategic air reserve of the United States to the FENC, at a $12.8 billion cost to the American taxpayers. They were painted in black and bear no identification. According to this officer named ‘’Mark’’, the final level of military forces that was structured in 1993 are the UN combat groups inside the United States. These troops are located on the border of California and Virginia. They have combat groups equivalent to thirty four thousand men. In the Sacramento area there is another force of forty thousand men. In the south of Los Angeles, there is also a contingent of twenty-two thousand UN troops. Mark adds that from Montana to Canadian territory, there is a combat group of thirty-seven thousand men which is divided into two brigades of mechanical infantry (EEC), two standard mechanized infantry brigades, as well as the first Canadian army division and a Japanese lower security brigade. The presence of Russian, Yugoslavian, Romanian and Korean UN troops on American and Canadian soil has been reported by several sources. Where are all these troops kept? Inside military bases that were supposed to close! For example, before leaving the presidency, while he was yet at the UN, President Bush transferred the Fort Dix station to the UN authorities to serve as an internment camp. Let us now examine the ideology with which these new elite corps, as well as members of the secret services, are formed inside the international community In other words: we will see what is behind the emergence of a New World Order and a new police force. A policeman who has worked for twenty years in the American police has — under a pseudonym — sent the full text of a very high-level conference which took place in the early nineties for the training of World Government executives in North America. The police officer also shared his personal experience in order to raise awareness on the World Order through investigative journalism; It was impossible to know such information unless someone belonged to these different bodies. The question posed by this police officer, who voluntarily changed his name for reasons of personal security, is this: are there judges, prosecutors, government workers and police officers who today commit dishonest acts to imprison individuals? To this question, he says: “I answer unequivocally yes”. Then he explains why. However, he writes: "... but are led to believe that it is not done without a just cause. True immorality exists only when the cause is unjust”. In order to better understand the answers he provided, let us recall that the law of Western states used to be based on Christian principles. Inside the Christian ideology, the wellbeing and the protection of the state were a priority. Today, this ideology has been transformed without the people noticing it. This is the new ideology that justifies the New World Order and it must come before anything. For the sake of this ideology, anyone who is a part of the judicial and military powers can perpetuate any criminal act whatsoever because the intended goal is ‘’right’’. “After more than twenty years of service for my fellow Americans, I have realized what is now a reality. The truth is that today, several judges, lawyers and police officers are now devotees of the secular humanist religion. » But the ideological basis of everything that will make up the New World Order is rightly based on a humanism centered on the worship of man. This is the deification of man and makes him the center of the universe and raises him up above all laws. It is the philosophical basis of secular humanism. The text of the conference made in private in 1990 and addressed by the policeman specifies: "...some of our members, mostly out of fear, will not admit that this new secular humanism is a religion. They are afraid of being treated like these so-called Christians. They were told that we are under the separation of church and state. Such fear would have been justified in the seventies. This is no longer the case today. The reason being that members of the police and military forces are mostly under the control of the major agencies and organizations. » Fifteen or twenty years ago, the Christian ideology was preeminent in the United States. Those who controlled the various parts and branches of the government, whether the military, judiciary, police, various government departments, were trained in a Christian ideology. Today things have changed: humanism triumphs and such posts and offices are now occupied by New Age and New World Order members. The speaker continues and reveals the sufficiency of the unofficial tenors of this humanist sect: “My feeling is that right now we need to keep our eyes on our herds and select more carefully which ones we will bring to the 21st century. Anyone who would disallow our religion as being ‘’invalid’’ should think again. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided that it was a legitimate religion. A few years ago, in famous cases, the Court ruled that belief in humanism and the rejection of Christian ideology was also an acceptable religion. The belief refers to a certain universal view of life, of the world and of humanity. The Supreme Court of the United States as a whole has ruled that a religion can be any one worldview, with or without reference to God. I hope this will help others to understand our faith.’’ “Nevertheless, this, of course, was not the main point of my lecture. I wish to address the abuses faced by police officers who consciously or unknowingly subscribe to the moral tenets of our religion about ethics or morals. In our society, our devotees endure horrible discrimination from Christians today, who constitute a very small faction of society. This discrimination against us, humanists, arises when we exercise our religious practice and apply our morals in our profession. Yet others do so without any discrimination, because they are Christians. “Fortunately, our humanistic religion has the highest rate of growth throughout history, and the new generation inside the judicial system, including police officers who subscribe to holy principles, are now in positions of administration, which benefits everyone. This empowers us, even though there is yet a lot of discrimination against one of the most important tenets of our religion: situational ethics. » Ethics is a code of morality, of Christian values delimiting boundaries not to be exceeded. With the formation of this new ideology penetrating all social spheres of the United States, but especially in decision-making positions inside each profession, what do they understand by this principle of situational ethics? The following from the conference enlightens us: "...The principle of situational or moral ethics allows the individual to focus and act properly on the goal he wants to achieve. Morally speaking, little or no importance should be given to the method and the means used to achieve the goal since nothing outweighs the importance of the goal. » In other words, it is the application of the well-known principle: the end justifies the means! “I think the principle of situational ethics is best described by examining the legal definition of morals and ethics as rendered by our communist fellows. » We can see the strong link between the communist and masonic ideologies of the 18th century, and that of Hitler's Germany. It is the same ideology presented from three different approaches. The same person who held a very important position inside the US government administration goes on: “We can learn a lot from the devotion of the Communists. Marxists, through pragmatic necessity, have purged more than 90 million people in the pursuit of man's noblest mission: world peace. » When we hear this taught to the elite of the multinational police and army corps, one can imagine how far these people are willing to go in order to impose the New World Order! "What intelligent people would call 'immoral' is in fact any means used to achieve the most important goal. There is nothing immoral about eliminating people if we do it in the name of world peace.’’ “In our great humanist manifestos signed in 1963 and 1973, we applied our moral principles which are the same as the Marxist principles, but put forward in a more complete way. Here is a brief summary of our beliefs on situational ethics and truth. Ethics and moral values, have their source in human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational, requiring no ideological nor theological approval. To deny this is to deny the very basis of life. » These are exactly the same definitions found in the texts of Adam Weishaupt of 1740 — the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati — as well as in the journals of the Grand Orient of France. “We live a good life right here, right now’’. “As concerning authority and truth: we reject the characteristics of traditional religious morality which denies human beings the full appreciation of their potential and responsibility’’. “Traditional religions often offer comfort to humans, but often they prevent them from helping themselves or living their full potential.’’ “We cannot find any divine purpose or Providence for the existence of man. Men are responsible for who we are and what we will become. No particular God is going to save us, we have to save ourselves. ‘’ We understand why the Initiates chose the United States. It was the most well-structured nation and the most apt to impose a New World Order on humanity. “Those of you who practice selective Christianity are closer to our faith than the superstitious Bible shakers of yesterday. Selective Christianity is for those who cherry-pick the good words in the Bible with which we are agree and reject those that condemn earthly pleasure and that contain the teachings of the Christian Church. Don't you believe that in this aspect we are identical? Your faith is based on what is good according to man's desire.’’ “All faiths are valid, and the Christian religion is only valid if you believe in the system that has been imposed on you these last twenty years. If you don't fight us, it's because you believe in our values because there is no middle ground!’’ “We humanists admit that there is no God and that the desires of man are all that matter. You leaders of selective Christianity ought to preach that your faith is based on certain parts of the Bible, but in reality most of your faith is based on what is pleasing to you and what works best for your own interests. Finally, by integrating what we, humanists, have wanted to achieve for eighteen centuries, you managed to create for yourselves a new religion centered on the desires of man. Your religious leaders now preach human rights and thereby endorse our New World Order!’’ “It is obvious that the American government operates according to the guiding principles of humanism. What are these principles? Trickery, lying, cheating, theft, murder, hypocrisy, trucebreaking. All these means become morally acceptable if they allow us to achieve our desired goals. This is real virtue. » What is the desired goal? The establishment of the One World Government! “A recent example was given in Iraq's war against Kuwait. More than 250,000 individuals had already lost their lives and more still died every day in order to achieve a higher purpose. The goal of all great humanist leaders is to achieve world peace through a World Government. “We can eliminate nations and whole peoples if it’s for the sake of the greater and common good according to our views. This New Age teaching is why, for example, it is possible for a police officer of humanist allegiance to risk his life to save a member of society one day, and the next day to lie in a court trial in order to win an important case. This should not be considered as immoral given the ethical standards on which the policeman bases his morality upon for ‘’the end justifies the means’’. Most people don't understand that's the reason why presidents and their staffs, as well as members of Congress and others in leadership positions lie and cheat for the greater good of society and also of the system.’’ According to this insider, those in charge of governments lie openly and in a concerted manner to the populations for the greater good of the system to form the coming World Government, but also in order to mask the disappearance of political dissidents and radical groups! There is indeed a drastic contrast between what is broadcasted by the news media and what is really going on behind the scenes. The news reports are always restructured and redesigned beforehand in order to give us an apparent reality which is never true. With such an open manipulation of national and international news, we manage to justify the disappearance of individuals or groups of individuals by passing them off as radicals and terrorists, whereas very often the only danger posed by these people is only because of their influence on populations in contrast to those who want to impose a New World Order.’’ “You are aware that the vast majority of Americans only seek peace and security. They don't even realize that they have literally made a God out of their own government on which they depend upon for their needs.’’ Our New Age leaders and we, their soldiers, the police and military forces, stand ready to give the masses what they prayed for. “Our role within the justice system today is to protect and conceal the plan of the system for the setting up of a One World Government, and to punish those whom our leaders identify as the enemies of the system. ‘’ In this way, concepts on the law and guilt have been transformed. The man who will fight for truth will be considered as an enemy to be destroyed. The New Age of Aquarius and the World Government appear as the establishment of a worldwide dictatorship based on the ideology of humanism. In such a dictatorship, the individual who, in the name of his religious principles, his conscience or his faith, would oppose the plot against mankind and God, will be considered and identified as a criminal. It’s the same for what happened two thousand years ago under the Roman Empire. It's the same scheme: the criminal is the one who rebels against the established government ideology for the majority of people (or democracy). Who exactly were these criminals two thousand years ago? The Christians. Who were the enemies under the Communist regime? The Christians. This time, the framework will change and become international. “Like our Soviet colleagues, under the situational ethics of our New humanistic order, we are no longer limited in the methods we can apply to win.’’ "We can proceed to pacify and secure the masses, to get rid of all those who will represent a danger for the establishment of this New Order.’’ "If some of you are still surprised by this, it's because you haven't yet understood what I'm trying to get across. You also did not understand what your children have learned so well through the last twenty years of our government's education system.’’ “We now live in an era where men have placed their trust in the government instead of some divine superstition called ‘’God’’. These are the old morals which have caused all of our problems. A New Age calls for a new belief system, a new moral code, and a new religion. It's nice to see almost all of the world’s religions band together and unite to prepare to serve the New World Order.’’ “I would like to introduce you to Doctor Sidney Saymon. A very efficient man who deserves great recognition for his work in re-educating humanity. He spoke plainly and simply and what he said is unequivocal. He explained to the educators of children that ‘’values clarification’’ is a method for teachers to change the values of their students without getting caught. This means that under new disguises, and under a new dialogue, new values are taught without the children and parents realizing this, and without educators being able to be accused of anything. The result is guaranteed: a confrontation between the children and parents. ‘’Values clarification’’ is another term for ‘’situational ethics’’. Teachers must make it clear that the important thing is not the values that the child chooses, but rather for the child to be allowed to choose them freely by himself, without pressure from parents, preachers, friends, or religious denominations. "The architects of the new curriculum of humanism in the government schools are to be thanked for reshaping the values of these future generations.’’ “When the National Day Care Act is passed, it will be a great day for humanists and proponents of world peace. We will be able to accomplish our objective once and for all when we will have the full attention of pre-school children six to nine hours a day. Take a look at what we've already done with the older American youth’’. “These daycare centers will have the mission of mentally preparing young people to accept a New World Government.’’ "This is why the popular and silly sitcoms and money-based games are enjoyed by a conditioned audience that appreciates the show based on new anti-Christian and humanist values to which he unconsciously adheres.’’ “People being thus conditioned and brainwashed will escape from reality and truth; they will be very afraid. We we will end up with an army of schizophrenics!’’ “It goes without saying that such a society will require a new form of policing.’’ “One of our teachers told me a few weeks ago that the religious Americans would not believe their eyes when they’ll see the changes that we allowed to take place. This person was right because we put our future in the hands of not only the government, but also in the capacity of each and every one of us to govern and sustain ourselves. This is why the World Government will be beneficial for everyone.’’ “Americans no longer want to assume the responsibilities of their government. Fortunately for them, there is a whole new generation of leaders and people in government, eager to take care of them even without their consent’’. "With regards to the police workforce: as citizens surrender more and more of their rights because of fear, more and more police will be needed in order to supervise the activities of the population so that it remains safe. “The Welfare State engenders unrest in society, hence a need for the strengthening of police forces.’’ “Who would have guessed a hundred years ago that putting the fear of everything in people’s minds would be the needed response to lead the creation of a New World Order.’’ “The credit for these innovations goes to the freethinkers of the last generation for having pulled off the master stroke of making fear serve as the basic mechanism to make populations accept any and all measures.’’ “The older generations would not have accepted this new order of things and these newer values. Luckily, that didn't pose too much of a problem because they are quickly replaced either by natural death or retirement. There won't be any left in seven to eight years. We have the assurance that all who had Christian values will no longer have any key positions in the executive, judicial and military branches of the government.’’ “Soo enough, the establishment of a New World Order will have no more obstacles. At the same time, police agencies are filtering out individuals who believe in traditional values and avoid hiring them.’’ “That's why we changed the values of the education system. So that young people entering an active life are imbued with humanist principles and reject all Christian values and superstitions. This must be done because we know that religious persons will not do the things that will be required of them under the new system.’’ ‘’For those who remain attached to old fashioned religious fundamentalism, they will be put aside quietly under any pretext on the part of the new leaders. For example, the lowering of the retirement age is a measure which has permitted and now makes possible the elimination of all those individuals who are not imbued with our humanist values.’’ “Some of the officers of older age argue that this type of discrimination is unconstitutional and immoral. But we know they are wrong. Under situational ethics, all things are considered moral as long as they push the goal forwards. So these officers are not removed for an evil cause but rather because they are deemed unfit to perform the tasks that will be required of them.’’ "The ancient world understood that lying to God was the greatest sin. The new generation of devotees who will enter the New World Order must understand that the gravest of sins is lying to their new God, the Government. The individual does not exist! Only the interest of the World Government counts.’’ "Any disloyalty of this kind would come against the march towards progress engaged by those who lead this glorious New World Order. We are not preoccupied with some resistance to the New Order, because out of practical necessity their destiny has already been firmly established in the Plan. » We spoke about this Plan while developing the Micro Chip and the concentration camps program set up in North America with very advanced technology. “What matters the most to us at the moment is that the obedient masses need to understand that it is detrimental for the progress of the plan to suggest that their supervisors — the members of governments and of the United Nations —bend to the pressure and futility of these obsolete superstitions of order and morality.’’ “There will be difficult changes for those who have to face and enter this new society. We can assure the peoples that there will be no compromise on this subject.’’ "Thanks for listening. May the blessings of the New World Order come quickly upon you. » This entity is called the New World Order, the Force, the Grand Architect, etc. It is also called the Antichrist! Conclusion It is obvious that the architects of the New World Order intend to impose on us a World Government by force for the summer of 1999. The First Article of the Illuminati states: “Our motto is: force and pretend. Only force triumphs in politics, especially in the hidden talents of statesmen. Violence must be the key principle; with trickery and pretention as the governments’ rules of conduct.” In other words, we returned to the same lines of conduct used in 1917 to establish communism. As for the future of Russia and of Zhirinovsky, whose political rise is guaranteed, we noticed that during his travels in Europe at the end of 1993, he wore roses and red flowers on his left hand. It is a symbol of international recognition known only to certain insiders. Fidel Castro wore them, President Mitterrand too. The great politicians identified with internationalist groups have used this symbol of recognition once they have been brought to power. Here, then, we can glimpse the future that awaits Russia. This national force submitted to the UN was constituted at the same time while experiencing the consequences of an unprecedented economic crisis. The social crisis will increase. Budget cuts will strangle people. The governments will find themselves unable to provide the slightest solution because these are rejected by the IMF. Societies will find themselves in a state of political and social crisis, and the assets of the people will disappear in a terrible financial crisis which will begin in Japan — perhaps by an earthquake with gigantic consequences. In such a context, it is expected that the peoples will turn to the United Nations. This would be a pretext to establish a World Government! It is precisely at that moment that the peoples of the world will be brought to their knees, and when high technology mechanisms and the international biological identification Microchip will be imposed. But before that, everything must be prepared in such a way that people will accept them for peace, safety and stability, and hence the chaos that is about to take place... But man can only maintain and exercise his freedom in the will of God! Also, dear reader, be assured that this seemingly flawless system will not come to pass on proposed dates. Studies related to prophecies will cover that... We are already experiencing and seeing the manipulations of Occult Powers. They will lead to civil wars and to the Third World War according to the plan I have exposed to you. But God will intervene sovereignly at the end and the heralds of the New World Order will be punished, even if they take refuge in Australia, convinced that they will be safe from the conflicts they have started since 1991 in the Persian Gulf. -End. This book is dedicated to expose the wrongdoings of the FBI (Fabricating BS Information), the CIA (Cocaine Importation Agency), NSA (National Spying Agency) and TSA (Total Sexual Abuse). If you are not saved, you need to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior today (, and CASSETTES COLLECTION FROM THE AUTHORC-001: INTERNATIONAL IDENTIFICATION BIOCHIP. 90m. Description - This new microchip “Implant”, with an International Social Insurance Number of 18 digits (three sets of 6 digits each, i.e. 666”), will serve as the very basis for the worldwide control of all individuals in the plans of the United Nations to impose a New World Order as soon as possible. This cassette contains information that explains how the United Nations, through false economic crises and national debts, will impose this “Mark” on all men without which it will be impossible for anyone to buy or sell. Yes, the technology is being currently developed and tested, both in the United States and in France - and implantation has even started on human subjects. This electronic “transponder” will replace electronic bracelets and identity cards, driver's licenses, passports, health insurance cards, debit cards, and paper currency (cash). Taxes and $2.50 Postage and handling. C-002: NEW AGE POLICE AND NEW WORLD ORDER. 90m. This tape contains, for the first time ever, the unveiling of the “Humanist” ideology in which the New Global Police Force and the New MultiNational Military Forces of the United Nations are trained. Any element of Christian values has been carefully eliminated from this new education system. With an insider perspective from the American Police Department itself. $12.00, plus Taxes and $2,500 Postage. C-003-004: THE UNDERLYING TRAGIC HISTORY OF VACCINATION SINCE ITS INCEPTION. 90m. Based solely on the official journals of international medical circles - unknown to most populations, the tape exposes the whole fraudulent history of vaccines since their inception. It covers why doctors are unanimous, for the most part, not to be vaccinated, nor to vaccinate their own family – it shows that so-called diseases have regressed dramatically, not because of vaccination, but rather because of improvement in hygiene conditions; it also exposes the astronomical profits of the multinationals manufacturing the vaccines; and the real origins of AIDS, - … 2 cassettes of 90m. each. $25.00, postage included. C-005-006: EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. 90m. Finally unveiled, an exposé on the medical manipulations of the Military and the CIA to achieve direct control of individuals, by the use of new technologies, to break the individual’s will and to neutralize him in his mind and body in order to make him adherent to the New World Order. Also unmasked are the techniques developed to program, from a distance, “Mad Shooters”, without ever revealing the real authors of the crimes. Moreover, it reveals how an unwitting individual can be manipulated remotely for international political purposes. 2 cassettes of 90m. each. $25.00, cost included. C-007: WORLD ENERGY BANK. 90m. How Green Peace, the “Greens”, and the Environmentalist Movement are controlled and manipulated by the international high financers for a New World Order. Find out under which circumstances David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds came to set up the dangerous “World Energy Bank’’, under the cover of an ‘’international protection of the environment”. This bank will have the power to claim over 33 percent of all National Territories. Under the pretext of eliminating the National Debt of the Nations, and with the help of the United Nations, and the protection of the Multi-National Military Forces, this Bank will confiscate large territories under the pretext of protecting them better – while in reality, it will seize them for monopolizing the energy resources to drive the economy of the 21st century. 90m. $12.00. Plus Taxes and $2.50 fees of Post and handling.


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